Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Kauai
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- Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Kauai
- 50 Minute Flight over the Hidden Sights of Kauai
- State of the Art Eco-star Touring Helicopters
- Departure from Lihue Airport Heliport
- Only helicopter company in the state operating on ALL islands!
Blue Hawaiian Helicopters flies aerial tours of Kauai's most beautiful natural wonders! As the oldest member of the main Hawaiian island chain, Kauai is a natural wonder. Rain and wind have been sculpting the natural beauty of the Garden Island since it was formed about 6 million years ago. The island has been shaped by these natural forces with lush green valleys carved into the mountains, thick jungle vegetation, winding rivers, gorgeous cascading waterfalls, towering sea cliffs and spires ... Kauai is breathtaking to see from above and there is no other way to witness much of her natural beauty. There is no road that completely circles the island, so parts of the interior and the northwest coastline have remained untouched wilderness.
On this incredible helicopter tour of Kauai, you'll be stunned and amazed by the scenery. After takeoff from the airport in Lihue you will fly over Nawiliwili Harbor, Menehune fishpond, and the Huleia River snaking to the west. Soon you will come to Manawaiopuna Falls, also known as "Jurassic Falls" tucked deep in the upper reaches of the Hanapepe Valley. Fly through majestic Waimea Canyon, often called the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific," where you'll catch sight of dozens of cascading waterfalls. Then, Kauai's magical North Shore reveals the rocky cathedral spires and 3,000-foot sea cliffs of the Na Pali Coast, the pristine turquoise-blue waters of Hanalei Bay, and the towering waterfalls pouring from the plateau at the top of Mt. Namolokama. Lastly, weather permitting, your pilot will fly you to the crater inset into Mt Wai'ale'ale, a dormant shield volcano with over 450 inches of rainfall each year, making it the second wettest places on earth. Here you'll witness the most beautiful emerald green vegetation draped over the mist-covered mountain, with 3,000-foot cascading waterfalls filling each crevice ... it is a grand finale of the tour and a sight you will never forget.
Blue Hawaiian Helicopters flies tours over the island of Kaui in their fleet of Eurocopter / Airbus EC-130 Eco-stars, considered to be the "state-of-the-art" in touring helicopters worldwide. This is a wide-bodied 6 passenger aircraft that incorporates the latest in cutting-edge technologies, materials, systems, safety features, and avionics, and offers incomparable passenger comfort and sweeping views. Departure is from their facility at the general aviation area of the Lihue Airport, centrally located on the island.
Seating assignments on each flight are made in accordance with weight and balance requirements of the aircraft. For those who have qualifying weights, an upgrade to purchase "First Class Front Row" seats is available for $200 per seat. Both seats must be purchased together, and the combined weights cannot exceed 470 pounds.
50 Minute Blue Hawaiian Helicopters Discover Kauai Rate (BHH8)
$409.00 per Passenger (Hawaii sales tax included)
Directions: Check in at Blue Hawaiian Helicopter's facility in the general aviation area of the Lihue Airport.
GPS Address: 3730 Ahukini Rd #8, Lihue, HI 96766 Click to view map
Schedule: Tours operate daily from 8:00am to 3:30pm
Duration: Flight time is approximately 50 minutes
Reservations: Advanced reservations required and we recommend booking this a month or more before your arrival. A credit card is required to finalize a reservation with Blue Hawaiian Helicopters and they will charge you for your seats at the time your space is confirmed with their office.
Minimum Notice for Cancellation / Changes: 48 hours prior to the start of the tour. If the pilot feels a quality tour cannot be conducted due to weather conditions, you will be contacted to reschedule for another day. If you can't reschedule, there is no charge for a tour cancelled by the pilot's decision to not fly.
Equipment: Eurocopter ECOSTAR that seats 6 guests plus the pilot.
Restrictions: For each guest weighing 240 pounds or more, an adjacent, empty seat purchase is required to safely balance the aircraft. The charge for a comfort seat is reduced to 50% off of the regular tour price.
What to Wear: Wear dark shirts as it causes less glare on the windows.

Kevin's Activity Tips:
It never ceases to amaze me that people spend thousands of dollars to come to Hawaii, but think it is too expensive to spend another $200 to REALLY see the islands from a helicopter. There is so much beauty that you cannot see any other way. Do yourself a favor and SPLURGE! You will thank me. I have flown with many helicopter companies and done flights over all the islands of Hawaii (except Niihau and Oahu). I don't think anyone who works in this industry would question the fact that Kauai is the most beautiful of the Hawaiian islands to fly over ... and is probably the most beautiful island in the world.
Best time of day to fly? I think mid-morning provides the best lighting and least cloud cover. Kauai gets LOTS of rain ... the summit of Mt. Waiale'ale is one of the WETTEST places on the face of the earth. That's why this island is so beautifully carved and has so many waterfalls. Days that there are NO clouds are very rare. Typically the helicopters are able to fly back into the valleys while remaining safely below the cloud layer.
Blue Hawaiian is a great choice ... they are the industry leader in Hawaii helicopter tourism with locations on ALL FOUR major Hawaiian islands. They are also Hollywood's choice of helicopter companies for filming movie scenes from the air and their "birds" have been featured in blockbuster movies. They are also proud of their reputation for having the best and most experienced pilots in the industry ... over 50 of them between their five different locations ... their pilots average over 7500 hours of individual flight time!