Cookie Policy
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About Cookies
This site uses cookies - small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymized tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers
Our Cookies
Our use of cookies is limited on this website to two purposes:
1. While making tour reservations as you move from one stage of the ordering process to the next cookies are used to store your responses so that they can be retrieved and your reservation submitted for confirmation when the ordering process is complete. If you do not allow cookies on your browser settings our forms won't work. If that's the case, you are still welcome to do business with us but we will need to take down your information over the phone. Text us at Text: 808-876-7777 and one of our agents will call your to finalize your order.2. We use Google Site Analytics to tell us how many orders we receive as a result of advertising we have done. It helps us know which ads we have that are effective and which are a waste of time. For a (relatively) small agency like ours, it is important for us to spend our limited advertising budget wisely. This data is completely anonymous ... we don't care WHO orders WHAT ... we just want to know WHERE the orders come from. Does that make sense???
Under absolutely NO CIRCUMSTANCES do we use cookies to track your shopping behavior outside of our website. That's none of our business. Your overall shopping behavior on the Internet is not our concern and not a part of our business model in any way. The data that we do collect from you is used exclusively to service your reservation during your vacation to Hawaii and is never shared or sold to anyone.

Kevin's Activity Tips:
What's the official cookie of the state of Hawaii? Well, I don't think we have one ... at least one that's been proclaimed by the governor or the legislature. I've seen on those "mainland" websites that the favorite cookie in Hawaii is the "White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookie" but what do they know??? I've lived here 20+ years and I've never eaten one of them (or been offered one at a party as I can recall). I can tell you with absolute certainty that the most popular cookie in Hawaii is some variation of the shortbread cookies in the image at the top of this page. The shortbread cookies dipped in fine chocolate pictured there are from Big Island Candies based in Hilo. If you get to that town be sure to check out their visitor's center! On Maui the popular shortbread cookies are from Cook Kwee's Maui Cookies. There's also the Honolulu Cookie Company that has retail locations all over Oahu and a few places on Maui. On Kauai they've got the Kauai Kookie Company.
Seriously though, while cookies can certainly be used for nefarious and objectionable purposes, they also serve a useful purpose in making things work on the Internet. Without the use of cookies it isn't possible to use most shopping carts and reservations forms as the ability to write and retrieve cookies is essential in passing data from one stage of the reservations process to the next.